
How to find out efficiency of Economizer ?

 Economizer Efficiency :

 Economizer is used to increase efficiency, reduce waste and conserve energy by using waste heat for the heating feed water in boiler system. We can get efficiency of Economizer closer to 88 - 95%. Economizer is installed in between boiler and chimney to recover heat from the hot flue gases which are released in atmosphere through chimney. By installing economizer, we can enhance the overall energy efficiency of the boiler system. Economizer can be either condensing or non-condensing economizer. By installing economizer, we can increase reduce the fuel consumption by up to 20%. Every approx. 15 Degree C reduction in stack temperature, we can increase 1% boiler efficiency.

 The efficiency of the economizer is the ratio of the heat gained by the feed water passing through the tubes of economizer and the heat given away by the hot flue gases passing over the tubes of the economizer.

 Economizer efficiency = Ma (T2 - T1) / Mf x Cp (Tf1 - Tf2)

 Cp = Specific heat of flue gases

Ma = Mass of steam produced per kg of fuel burnt

 Mf = Mass of flue gases produced per kg of fuel burnt

Tf1= Temperature of hot flue gases entering in economizer

Tf2 = Temperature of hot flue gases leaving from economizer

T1 = Feed water temperature entering in economizer

T2 = Feed water temperature leaving from economizer

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How to find out efficiency of Economizer ?

 Economizer Efficiency :   Economizer is used to increase efficiency, reduce waste and conserve energy by using waste heat for the heating f...